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Dashboard Challenge: Mexico Toy Sales Analysis

I participated in the Maven Analytics May Data challenge. This dataset is given on Mexico toy stores, their product costing, daily sales, and location.

Here I am sharing the process of completing the dashboard.

First, I understand the 4 separate tables of inventory, products, sales, and stores. After carefully accessing I created the relationship among them using the primary and secondary key. (In any database, primary key plays a very crucial role, it can reduce your data size, effort on it and at the same time let you capture the variety of information with accuracy)

If noticed carefully the unit sold and price & cost are in 2 separate tables. In order to calculate the Revenue, Cost, Profit, and % Profit margin, I used SUMX. The DAX is as follows:

Revenue = CALCULATE( SUMX( sales, sales[Units] * RELATED('products'[Product_Price]) ), USERELATIONSHIP(products[Product_ID], sales[Product_ID]) )
Cost = CALCULATE( SUMX( sales, sales[Units] * RELATED('products'[Product_Cost]) ), USERELATIONSHIP(products[Product_ID], sales[Product_ID]) )
Profit = [Revenue]-[Cost]

Once all this information is collected and calculated. I analyzed data on different segments and finally shortlisted the following visuals:

  1. Sales and Profit Analysis: 3 area charts are created by month in order to see sale pattern as well seasonal trends

  2. Product Portfolio: Here stacked column chart is used. Where different parameters can be checked among 5 product categories.

  3. Store Portfolio: This section consists of a bar chart, key cards, and table covering a wide range of queries from sale to unit sold. You can see store numbers and location, top products, daily revenue patterns, and more.

and finally, I created the summary section focussing on key highlights.

Hope this is helpful in understanding the process.

Thanks for reading.

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